DMG TempoCem NE-A

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Temporary Luting Cement
2150 2150

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TempoCem NE zinc oxide non-eugenol cement is ideal for use in cases where a eugenol temporary cement is not recommended. Because any residue of eugenol may inhibit the polymerization of resin materials, TempoCem NE's non-eugenol formula is perfect for cases in which a resin material or a resin reinforced glass ionomer will be used for the final restoration.



Catalyst paste: Natural resins, fatty acids, additives

Base paste: Zinc oxide, paraffin, additives



Temporary cementation of provisional and permanent crowns and bridges, inlays and onlays.


Do not use the material in cases of allergies to any of the substances contained or, as can occur in rare cases, in the event of contact allergy.

Non-eugenol formulation 
•   Ideal for use in cases where a eugenol temporary cement is not recommended. 
•   Won't inhibit the polymerization of resin materials. 
•   Perfect for cases in which a resin material or a resin reinforced glass ionomer will be used for the final restoration.

Offers optimally adjusted adhesion 
•   Resists forces of mastication. 
•   Securely retains the restoration and maintains patient comfort. 
•   Is flexible under the crown for easy removal of the temporary.

Resistant to saliva 
•   Increases stability of cement in the mouth.

•   Protects the gingival tissue.

300+% radiopacity 
•   Visible on x-ray.

Easy flow 
•   Permits precise placement of cement and easy placement of the temporary.

No heat generated during setting 
•   Protects pulp.

Insulates prep against thermal sensitivity 
•   For greater patient comfort.

Less waste in cement tip than created by hand mixing 
•   More economical.



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